Most of us have a first, middle and last name. It is common to use an initial for our middle name when we sign documents. But the initial does mean something. That is unless you were the commanding general that won the Civil War and then became the 18th president of the US, Ulysses S. Grant. The S means nothing. Grant’s birth name is Hiram Ulysses Grant. So where did the S come from? He picked up the S when he went to pick up his appointment to West Point and the Congressman who had appointed him could not remember his full name but knew his mothers maiden name was Simpson so the appointment was made out in the name of Ulysses S. Grant instead of Hiram Ulysses Grant. It stuck and Grant is probably thankful, can you imagine the extra harassment he would have endured if on all his belongings would have appeared HUG instead of USG?
This we know for sure, as children of God our names our have been recorded in the book of life, and they have been recorded correctly.