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Abundant Life Assembly of God is a Pentecostal church with an emphasis on world missions.  The mission of our church is four-fold and is aligned with the Assemblies of God principals of:  Evangelizing the lost, Worshiping God, Discipling believers, and showing compassion.  Founded in 1990 by Pastor Tommy Winstead, Abundant Life strives to serve our body of believers, our community, and our world.  


REASON FOR BEING:  At Abundant Life Assembly of God our primary desire is to live in right relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and one another.  As a result of that we passionately promote caring and loving relationships.  We believe the only lasting foundation for relationships is God's (agape) love, which is greater than any imperfections we possess and which endows us with the right to identify ourselves as Christians. Our services are structured with an  emphasis upon teaching the Word of God, that the Holy Spirit would instruct us and equip us for worship, for witness and for the work of the ministry.  Therefore our vision is clearly stated and ever before us:


Lift up Christ through Prayer, Praise, and Proclaiming his Word.

Instruct believers in the truths of God's Word.

Fellowship with those of like precious faith that we might strengthen and be strengthened.

Evangelize the world beginning with our families and reaching the corners of the earth.



We declare our objectives and remain yielded to the Holy Spirit to realize and accomplish them.

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