I know it’s October and Father’s Day is not until June, but I have identified the 2021 Father of the Year. His name is Chris Ferguson. He receives this award not for what he did but what he is not going to do.
Chris Ferguson is an astronaut. That is one of the most select fields you can hope to achieve. To be selected for the program is an honor and a privilege. There are only a few flights heading into space and only a few seats on those flights.
Chris was tapped to serve as the commander of Boeing’s first astronaut flight. He has pulled himself off the crew so that he will be on Earth-not at the International Space Station. Why did he remove himself from the flight? The flight has been delayed because of software problems. The delay meant that Chris, if he had followed through with his plans, would have been on the Space Station on the day of his daughter’s wedding. He chose to forgo his trip to outer space to be at his daughter’s wedding. He is the Father of the Year.
We are often confronted with challenging choices revolving around family and work. I know there are times when, if we want to keep our job and provide for our family, the job has to take priority. I want to encourage each of us to evaluate these occasions carefully so that we make the right choice. If so we might be father of the year or even husband of year.